Tuesday, May 31, 2016

More Misleading Journalism

Please politely tell the author about your positive experiences with kratom: http://www.messenger-inquirer.com/news/local/kratom-gateway-to-opioid-abuse/article_f18ee886-7c95-513b-895f-af9bef947f0f.html

I've grown so frustrated with the misinformation/bias that it's difficult not to tune these articles out. It's unfortunate the journalists only appear interested in presenting one side of a story. It's the same tired formula:

  1. Someone dies
  2. Investigators find traces of kratom in the bloodstream of the deceased
  3. Kratom is to blame; print "kratom is evil" article
  4. Throw longtime responsible kratom consumers under the bus

Objectivity, my friends, isn't a moneymaker. Disinformation and sensationalism, however, are what bring the ad clicks. I don't blame a publication for trying to make a buck, but I am certain there's a way to go about making money without sacrificing integrity.

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